Please complete this form if interested in pitching to Innovation Catalyst, Inc., the Red Stick Angel Network or Greaux Innovation Ventures, LP.  This form will auto-save in your browser and can be reviewed before you submit it. Please contact Bill Ellison with any questions.

Company Information
Briefly describe the company's primary product or service offering.
Company Category *
Incubator Participant
Accelerator Participant
Technology Transfer Participant
Business Information
Business Stage
What is the customer problem your product is solving?
What is your solution? Provide a brief description.
Enter a brief summary of the company's business here.
What is your target market? How large do you estimate it to be?
Describe your "go-to-market" and sales strategy.
Who are your customers? Include market size, growth rate, customer segmentation and market structure where applicable.
How do you make money?
Describe the competition your business faces.
Describe your competitive advantage and barriers to entry.
Describe your exit strategy.
Please list the members of your management team; one per line, with name and title.
Diversity Status
Head Count
Enter the number of full-time employees.
Number of Part Time Employees.
Number of Independent Contractors
Financial Information
Name the type of grant and amount.
Fundraising Round
Are Louisiana Angel Investment Tax Credits available for the potential investment?
Round Type
Contact Information